Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Article 3:Driving Age Should Stay The Same

The main idea of Driving Age Should Stay The Same is to inform the reader that they shouldn't change the laws at all,just change some other things like "...making the driving tests harder, or making teens re-test after being caught driving badly, or simply making it the law to have your permit longer.." she states in this article. Her viewpoint is NOT to change the driving laws at all because age won't matter to experiance so she says changing to 18 is exactly like being 16. This is supported like how she states that "...People would most likely be right to say that most 16-year-olds aren't mature, but isn’t it also a known fact that men's brains don’t mature until the age of 25? Does that mean that all men shouldn’t drive until age 25? No, because people would see that as obscene.  At age 18, kids would be just as inexperienced at driving as they are at getting their license at 16..."
The evidence provided is not very biased, she says some good and bad things about the argument and mostly states opinion or what her family and friends have said before.

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